
Friday, March 23, 2012

Beirdo checking in while eating vegan(?) burrito in agua caliente

So I only graduated from vegetarianism to begonias (begonias: autocorrect for veganism) about 16 1/2 hours ago, and up until now I've been walking for most of that time, yet still have gained 30 lbs... by eating only 6 prunes & a quart of veggie broth. I guess entr'acte metabolism really slows down the instant they kick you out of the coveted 18-35 marketing demographic.

Entr'acte? This touchscreen typing is going to take disobeying (read: "some getting") used to... And yet I'm catching on quicker than a middle-aged man has any right to, and this gadget even got an internet connection through the parandroid up in some hilly forest where I went stumbling through the darkness at 4 am looking for a convent only to find equines both meaty & metallic. Find out how Beirdo escaped the fate of Kasper Hausen and the jaws of the Swedish tyrannosaur when this burrito - which just may actually be begonia! - is at the bottom of my belly.


  1. Hey Barefoot, I tried this before but let's see if this works. My spouse found this in the Aries horoscope for March 22, 2002: "Today's New Moon in your sign signals a new beginning in a most appropriate area. You will feel far more connected and free as a result. An element of the unexpected adds excitement to your day. Enjoy the spontaneity. Tonight: Seize the moment." Best, oldman


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