
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Beirdo vs. Technology: the battle rages on...

Marcus Jeffries
8:59 PM (13 hours ago)

to Barnaby
Well, Fuck me.  I was doing a little dream journal-transferring onto your computer before heading to Denny's, and guess what happened?  I highlighted a portion of text and then accidentally clicked a letter-key while it was highlighted, causing not only the text I'd attempted to highlight to disappear, but the entire email draft of the dream journals i had transferred to this point... which apparently ALL were highlighted.  The highlight of my day has become a big ol' Never Was. 

This not only means that roughly 16 hours worth of typed words have been erased, but that all the clarifying and editing of groggily-handwritten dream journal entries - which constituted most of that time - are lost.  And why?  Because apparently google doesn't think it necessary to have an edit-option available on the toolbar above the composition-screen that would allow one to "undo last move."  Nope.  Why would such a thing be necessary?  It's not as if anyone, at any time, during the process of composing any google email, might ever - with an accidental bump of a key - delete dozens of pages of text, right?  I mean, if that were to happen, it wouldn't be reasonable for a user of gmail to expect the World's Most Powerful Email Provider to provide a somewhat user-friendly - perhaps "intuitive?" - way, of recovering that which was so easily lost, would it?

WOULD IT?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?@%^$@^%$**@&$()@()%&)%&@)*7

Maybe google considers the ability to edit the body of an email to be an "option" you have to "customize."  Why?  Have the google and apple empires signed a contract in blood, in some subterranean Masonic chamber, to eradicate the grey areas of File Recovery?  Apple makes it damn-near impossible to ever delete anything (so that you will have to buy memory upgrades, I'm guessing), and apparently google doesn't allow you to recover anything you have deleted.  And yet, I'm guessing if any of my lost dream journals contained any words such as ISLAMIC or pairings of names like KONY with acronyms such as C.I.A.,
a certain room full of monster servers in Mormon Country would know about it, even if it was lost to me forever

Anyway, this is a huge setback for my project.  I am far too frustrated to start from scratch tonight.  That's going to have to be a job for tomorrow morning.  Starting tomorrow, every morning until either
a.) you need me to leave, or
b.) i finish typing up the edited dream journals (whichever comes first)
i will get up early, go for a run to get alert, shower, and go out to spend the day working on this.  For now, i'm headed to midtown to find a late dinner.  After that, I may find a bar at which I can process my expulsion from the Garden of My Own(ed?) Psyche via the GoogleSerpent and the Apple.  They'll probably try to blame it on some woman.  I'll be (A)dam(n)'ed if it's my fault.

OK, OK, I know.

Technarded in Sacrament...oh.

P.S. - I'll have my tablet if you want to email me.

P.P.S. - The only problem google has with THIS email is the google spellcheck really feels that google should be capitalized!  OM

O.P.P.S. - Yeah, you know me!

Barnaby 007 *!#^$
9:15 PM (12 hours ago)

to me
Is there a word processor on the tablet that makes it possible to save it on the tablet? Maybe that is the way you should do the dream journals. I also think that unless I kick you out you might stall your journey. So let's say that by Thursday you Should be out.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Subsequently, I stayed up all night, kundalinied my mania up my meridians, and began to re-scan the madman's plan. I'm about to go run around the capital, and may start by f
    Drinking some whiskey and making some sort of homemade sign to run around with, proclaiming my views of Google and apple and the garden of our privacy, or something a little bit off like that. Can you imagine this Barnaby-character, and what he must be putting up with as this would-be adventurer/instead-is dreamanic-deep recessive lingers on his couch? And just who is Houston DeBacle? Seriously? Who the hell IS he? We are pen pals; he is supposedly an editor. For all I know, he's a high-fuctioning autistic 7-year old living in Istanbul, but my dreams told me to trust him, so what can you do? Enough already! Sharpee fumes, celtic ethanol, & asphalt beckon me. Time to make a video. Chances are, you'll either see it in my next post or me on the 6 o'clock gnus.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hey Lady J - Don't be offended at my removal of your comment... I only did it because you included my pre-journey name, which I'm keeping in my back pocket for a later date.

    Thanks for the encouragement. While this post came from the perspective of a raving loon, I'm the kind of person for which anger and frustration always flame up intensely and die out quickly. I've been having a lot of issues with technology on this trip. Because I've made the decision to maintain a blog and utilize a tablet, it is my responsibilty to make these things work for me. But I wouldn't be surprised if, by the end of all this, I decide to make technology and even smaller part of my life going forward than it has been in the past. Ideally, I'd truly prefer to be unplugged from cell phones and even the internet - except maybe for an hour at the public library here and there.

    Thanks again for commenting! As you said, you were the first follower of this blog and - for now, at least - the only regular commenter. Much appreciated.

  4. Oh I did?! Whoops! Sorry, that got away from me! I had no idea I did that. I don't mind you deleting the comment.

    I'm glad your anger has dissipated. It'll be easier for you to move forward now. Frustration with technology can make you want to pick up the thing and throw it to the ground. I've had that feeling. Be patient with yerself!

    And you're welcome. I enjoy your writings and I'm happy to comment. Know that just because some don't comment, that doesn't mean they're not reading.

    I've learned that I have more readers than those who have actually added themselves to my follower list. I also have readers who find my words interesting but do not comment.

    I don't doubt the same is happening for you. :)


Welcome, and thank you for your visit. Please choose an alias for yourself. If you knew me before I became Barefoot Beirdo, please humor me and refrain from using my given name here. I'd like to strongly encourage posting your own dreams in the comment field. Also, any constructive criticism of this blogs' layout and readability are greatly appreciated. This here's a work in progress.